Hoodia gordonii, "Whoo De AH", is the botanical name for a leafless, spiky succulent plant that grows throughout the semi-arid areas of Southern Africa primarily the Kalahari desert. The San (local inhabitants) have rationally used Hoodia stems to stave off hunger and thirst when on long journeys, as it acts as an appetite suppressant. Hoodia is a Succulent botanical and is part of the Genus: Trichocaulon and belongs to the Family Name: Asclepiadaceae. There are approximately twenty plants within the Hoodia genus family, however, Hoodia Gordonii is the unique plant that South African San bushmen have used for generations to endure long hunting expeditions.
It basically tricks the brain into thinking that you're full. The chemical constituents in Hoodia work within the satiety center by releasing a chemical compound similar to glucose but much stronger. The hypothalamus in the brain receives this signal as an indication that enough food has been consumed and this in turn stunts the appetite. Hoodia helps to curb your appetite, some has reported, suppressing appetite within 20-30 minutes after taking Hoodia, results may vary. Some may need a little more time than this before they begin to notice the effects like: A reduced interest in food and A delay in time after eating before hunger sets in. So you've bought a supply of hoodia, and now you want to know how to use it. To cover this, There are experience in using hoodia for weight loss. The optimal way is taking hoodia tincture every morning and afternoon. Easy enough, right? For most people, the real weight loss challenge has relatively to do with dieting, exercise, supplements, or how many calories you burn in the gym. The real challenge is controlling their hunger drive. People who are trying to lose weight seem to share the exact same problem. They have trouble getting their appetite under control. Hoodia gordonii, it seems, could make that much easier. Because overcoming your own hunger drive seems almost impossible unless you get some help. When you eat hoodia, the saying goes, your hunger will simply be gone -- gone -- for around six hours. During those six hours, you won't crave anything. You really won't want to eat at all. The food still smells good, as usual, and they taste the same if you eat them, but you don't want to eat them! At least that's what the hoodia advocates claim will happen. Your body creates the illusion of hunger even when you're not really needing calories. And your body, like mine, doesn't know when to turn it off. The hunger signal is only turned off when your hypothalamus thinks you've eaten enough food. Your hypothalamus -- part of your body's endocrine system -- decides this by sensing the rise of sugar (glucose) in your blood. Eat enough carbohydrates, and your blood sugar rises, which convinces your hypothalamus to tell your brain that you're no longer hungry. Normally, to get your hypothalamus to turn off the hunger switch, you'd have to eat a moderate amount of food. And your hypothalamus isn't very quick on the draw either: it takes around 20 minutes to figure out what you've eaten, and by that time, you've probably eaten another 800 calories. So by the time your hunger signal gets turned off, you've already overeaten yet again.
The Hoodia is an all-natural, herbal dietary supplement and there are no know adverse side effects relating to its use. No Caffeine. No Ephedra. So Hoodia is safe for us. There are no known adverse side effects as a result of taking Hoodia in conjunction with prescription medications and other herbal supplements. However, if you are presently using any prescription medication and are under the care of a physician, you should always consult your physician before taking any supplement medication. ow long Hoodia take to work? With-in one hour after taking 2 capsules, Hoodia will suppress your appetite for around 4-8 hours.
Real South African Hoodia is RARE and EXPENSIVE. It takes approximately 5 to 7 years for the Hoodia gordonii succulent to mature and provide appetite suppressant qualities. The African government has limited the amount of Hoodia it exports and the number of suppliers to receive it in the USA. Because of the growing awareness and popularity of this miracle herb, rip-off products that contain very little or no authentic Hoodia in them are beginning to flood the marketplace. In the wild Hoodia takes 5-6 years to mature but is now being cultivated in as little as 2 years commercially in sustainable quantities and has become widely known for its effects as an appetite suppressant.
Hooray for Hoodia! I lost 5 lbs in eleven days. Three family members including myself have learnt a great deal about Hoodia. It appears that the San tribe did not reveal all, especially the benefits for men, if you know what I mean - S.A - (USA)
Scientists at the South African Center for Scientific and Industrial Research were the first to successfully prove that Hoodia contains a miracle molecule that suppresses the appetite. Later, a human clinical trial was conducted by scientists in Leicester England. A group of morbidly obese men and women participated. Half the group were given Hoodia and half were given a placebo. At the end of 15 days, the group on Hoodia had reduced their food intake by 1000 calories a day. Given the average daily diet is around 2200 calories, this was a stunning success. It has been established that the P57 molecule found in wild harvested Hoodia Gordonii works by mimicking the effect that glucose has on nerve cells in the brain in effect fooling the body into thinking it is full, even when it is not, thus curbing the appetite. Independent tests conducted in Leicester, England on obese individuals from all walks of life have proved that over a 15-day period, food intake was reduced by 1000 calories a day.
Hoodia Gordonii is a plant - a leafless succulent. Not a Cactus nor a Herb. In South Africa Hoodia Gordonii is classified as a foodstuff, which is testimony to how safe the product really is. To make matters even more challenging, Hoodia grown in South Africa under the San tribe's influence is required to be grown under organic conditions. That means they can't use pesticides. Entire crops have been known to vanish virtually overnight thanks to the ravages of various insects. All this means that if hoodia really catches on with the public -- the supply will be even tighter for many years. Prices are going to go up, and eventually, only the wealthy may be able to afford the pills necessary to lose weight.